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7 Simple Immersion Methods that make Learning English Fun

English is an international language and is the official language in several countries.  It is commonly used in the business and the scientific world.  The best way to learn English is by immersion.  Immersion means the act of being involved or submerged totally in a situation and in this case the act of learning English.  To do this you need to think, speak and breathe English all the time.  It is not just learning vocabulary and grammar.  The most important part of learning English is to be able to communicate with others in spoken English whether this is on a general level and/or on a business level.  If you can live with a family or an English speaking household this is a great place to start.  Immersion helps you learn English naturally and in a real life situation.  Learning English in this way will help build your confidence as it expands your vocabulary and gives you a better understanding of the culture whether in America or England.

In this post we are going to discuss 7 unorthodox immersion methods that make learning English fun



Start by reading books in English beginning with basic children’s’ books and continuing with more difficult reading material including newspapers and articles found on the Internet.  These can be on any subject or issue, which are of interest to you.  Try and read daily.  There are many free articles you can find on the Internet.


Watch television and/or listen to English radio.  This has benefits for you of being able to listen to how English is spoken and the intonation in the voices of the actors, actresses and broadcasters.


Watch sports matches with English commentary.  Not with English sub-titles.  Choose a sport which interests you and you know how to play then you will enjoy watching.


Watch movies in English and this will help with different accents.  American English accents are different to British English accents.  You can buy DVDs in English and play them either on a television or via a computer.


Buy an English dictionary.  Buy a good one, which gives the meanings together with how the words are pronounced.  Also buy a phrase book in English as this helps with sentence structure and is very useful when you go shopping, go to eat in a restaurant or want to ask for directions.


Use an app on a mobile phone for learning spoken English.  There is one called Duolingo, which can give you more practice when you are on your own.

1 on 1 Tutoring

Use online tutors (like Spoken English Practice).  This enables you to have quality time on a one-to-one basis with a tutor and you can discuss many different subjects. A tutor will help you correct any errors without the embarrassment of anyone else listening. 

Learning English from Native English Speakers – Try our special Conversational method

Spoken English Trial Lesson

 It is very important to keep practicing several times a week and to start ‘thinking in English’.  By learning English by immersion methods you will learn to speak like a native.  This is similar to the way a child learns a language.  Immersion is considered to be one of the best ways to learn English as it gives you the cultural experience as well as learning how to think, talk and breathe in English.


July 17, 2017
17 July 2017,
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