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7 Simple Immersion Methods that make Learning English Fun

July 17, 2017
17 July 2017,

English is an international language and is the official language in several countries.  It is commonly used in the business and the scientific world.  The best way to learn English is by immersion.  Immersion means the act of being involved or submerged totally in a situation and in this case the act of learning English.  To do this you need […]

Learning English in Vietnam

April 29, 2015
29 April 2015,

As one of world’s top ranked English language schools, we are always in the look out for insights on how English is taught around the world. Luckily for us, we have thousands of English language learners who we speak to everyday. Today we wanted to interview Phan, one of our students from Hanoi, Vietnam, and learn more about the process […]

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