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Picking the Best Online English Language School – 3 Things you must Consider

August 28, 2017
28 August 2017,

An online English language school is a great way to improve English speaking skills. You will get a chance to work with world class English teachers who have a lot of experience teaching English. However, there are a few factors you must consider when picking the right online English language school for you. Are teachers Native English speakers? If you […]

3 Questions to Ask When Joining a Spoken English School

April 5, 2017
5 April 2017,

Picking a great Spoken English School is not easy. Most English schools and English teachers only teacher grammar and vocabulary so students “study” English but end up not been able to speak fluently. In this post, we will talk about 3 things you should consider before joining a Spoken English school. How much time will I get to speak in […]

Redefining the English Language School – From Shanghai to Sao Paulo

July 28, 2016
28 July 2016,

When we started Spoken English Practice in 2008 we had one mission in mind. That was to redefine the way Spoken English is taught around the world, and to redefine the way an English Language School operates. Today after helping more than 1 million students from around the world from Shanghai to Sao Paulo, from Mumbai to Moscow, we can be […]

Why English Language Schools in China Fail?

July 6, 2016
6 July 2016,

There are thousands of English Language schools in China. For Chinese students, learning to speak English is a top priority. More and more parents are enrolling their children to English speaking courses even when they are around 4-5 years old. However, even with this rise in interest and demand, most English Language schools in China fail to provide improve Oral English skills […]

The Death of the Traditional English Language School

February 29, 2016
29 February 2016,

When Spoken English Practice launched in 2008, we started with a very simple observation about English language schools that operate all over the world. There are few hundred thousand recognized English language schools and ESL Programs around the world. There are more than a million English language teachers who conduct private lesson either in person or over Skype. On top […]

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