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8 Role Play Ideas Perfect for Online Skype English Classes

June 14, 2017
14 June 2017,

Roleplaying is an effective tool for practicing conversational English in an unintimidating environment. Non-native English speakers often have difficulty communicating in various everyday scenarios. Learning English phrases and frequently asked questions will significantly improve a student’s confidence when speaking. English teachers can utilize these 8 role play ideas during their online Skype English classes to familiarize students with the phrases and […]

Why a Skype English Conversation Partner is better than a Traditional Teacher

February 9, 2017
9 February 2017,

Do you already know basic grammar rules and sentence structures? Have you already studied English for years at school but still can’t speak fluently? The solution is to work with a Skype English Conversation Partner who is a native English speaker. A Skype English conversation partner is ideal for English learners who are at an intermediate level. Through meaningful online practice […]

Meet Skype English Language Partner Adam

January 16, 2017
16 January 2017,

How long have you worked as a Skype English language partner? I have worked as a Skype English language partner for 7 years now. I have previously worked with children and adults of all ages as well as taught all levels of English. I have also worked as an Accent Reduction coach for an Indian software company where I helped […]

5 Benefits of Learning English on Skype

July 2, 2016
2 July 2016,

We are in the 21st century. The ability to teleport is not quite ready yet, but we do have the next best thing – the internet. In particular, Skype. Using Skype and internet resources gives us a world of information, resources and understanding at our fingertips, it would be a shame to ignore it! Nowadays, it is very easy to […]

Meet Skype Spoken English Teacher Libby

May 25, 2016
25 May 2016,

What is your teaching philosophy when it comes to Skype Spoken English lessons? My teaching philosophy when it comes to Skype Spoken English students is to work with each student on an individual level according their needs, focusing always on the importance of conversation. Every student is different, and has different reasons for learning English, and my goal is help […]

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