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Learn English Speaking this way and you will never forget!

June 13, 2018
13 June 2018,

Have you tried to learn English Speaking through grammar classes and found that method useless? Have you been sitting in English classes for hours waiting for your chance to speak but never got it? Have you spent thousands of dollars on English learning software that only teaches you elementary level English? Yes, learning to speak English is VERY frustrating. If […]

Tired of Learning Grammar? Start Speaking English with these easy topics

December 18, 2017
18 December 2017,

Learning English as a second language can be overwhelming for foreign students.  Elementary topics for students who are starting to learn English should be easy and definitely not dull so that these students will keep their interest in learning and improving their Speaking English.  Students must enjoy the lessons so the sessions must be fun.  Here are my 10 speaking […]

3 Creative Ways to Master English Speaking

March 29, 2016
29 March 2016,

Wasting time in boring English speaking classes where you never get a chance to speak English? Spending all your days memorizing grammar rules and word lists? Working with an English tutor who only wants you to take notes and not have conversations? It is time for you to free yourself from old, inefficient method of learning English. You can learn […]

A New and Powerful Way to Improve English Speaking Fast

February 17, 2016
17 February 2016,

Do you still find English speaking a challenge, even after studying English for many years? Have you been spending tons of money on English speaking software but have not improved your English speaking skills? Are you tired of memorizing and learning hundreds of words but not able to use them when speaking English? Spoken English Practice is a new and […]

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