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The Ultimate Guide to Get the Perfect Accent

December 5, 2018
5 December 2018,

Do you have a thick accent that makes it hard for Native English speakers to understand you quickly? Spoken English Practice specializes in getting rid of thick accents through our unique Skype Conversation Lessons. The best way to get a perfect accent is conversational practice with Native English Speakers. The more you practice English speaking, the better your accent will […]

Confused by Different Types of English Accents? Here is a Guide using Movies as Examples

May 4, 2018
4 May 2018,

English is spoken world-wide so it can be difficult initially to decide which language you would like to learn.  English is spoken as the first language for example in America, England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Australia, Canada, Barbados, The Bahamas and Antigua. Even though people in all these countries speak English, they all have different types of English accents. In other […]

10 Main Sounds in English Pronunciation

April 3, 2018
3 April 2018,

It is very important to learn the main sounds in English pronunciation so one can converse well with other English speakers.  Different letter combinations make different sounds which can make learning English pronunciation difficult.  To pronounce these sounds well you need to use your mouth, tongue, teeth and throat.  There are 26 letters in the alphabet which make 44 sounds.  […]

What is Received Pronunciation and How to Learn it Correctly?

February 8, 2018
8 February 2018,

Received pronunciation is also known as RP for short.  Received pronunciation can be recognized immediately as “typically British”.  Received pronunciation was known as ‘the Queen’s English”.  This pronunciation now covers many accents but can imply where in a country the speakers are from.  Vowel pronunciation is more useful than consonant pronunciation when you compare regional accents.  Received pronunciation is studied […]

10 TV Shows that will help you get the perfect English Accent

January 31, 2018
31 January 2018,

Watching television shows is one of the best ways of learning pronunciation and improving your English accent.  Choose a series, which you may have already watched in your own language, then try watching in English.  This means that you already know the story line.  You can add sub-titles in the beginning and then once you are used to the accents […]

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