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11 Common Mistakes English Learners make when Speaking English

April 26, 2017
26 April 2017,

The English language can be quite tricky! There are a few common mistakes many English language learners make when speaking English. In fact, many native English speakers can make some of these mistakes once in awhile. Read up on these 11 common mistakes English learners make when speaking English!   Forgetting to say ‘the’   In English, ‘the’ is called the […]

5 Facts about Learning to Speak English

November 4, 2016
4 November 2016,

As with anything worth doing, there are plenty of myths out there about learning to speak English. The best we can say is: don’t believe everything you read, especially on the internet – but you can believe we’re going to try to debunk five of the most enduring myths about learning to speak English: Myth: If I didn’t learn as […]

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